What Drives Our Actions

We took our first steps in forensics back in 2000. Since 2000, we have been active in consulting, sales and service for forensic products. Years ago, we set out to make a change with just a handful of colleagues but lots of ideas and enthusiasm. We wanted to create a company, that put long term success and safety over quick deals and fast profit. A company with the guiding principle:

We feel committed to our customers, not superior to them.

We believe in bringing more benefit to our customers, focusing our R&D on innovation and steady improvement of established forensic processes, rather than aiming with our projects to tap into funding pots or promoting gimmicky game changers, that look appealing, but have little long-term value for the forensic practitioner.

Our customers will always benefit from the fact that our sales department concentrates on long-term capable and reliable consulting and service, rather than on turnover targets. Our field engineers are specially trained experts who know the equipment and its application, rather than just “board changers”, trying to work under extreme pressure to work quickly and make sales.